They take their bathrooms very, very seriously.
Exhibit A: Look at those armchairs! So comfy! So inviting!
What are they positioned in front of? A big screen TV? A big picture window, perhaps?
Exhibit B: Travel down two flights of stairs to another women's restroom, and here is your lovely picture window:
Just so we're clear--that is a painting of a window, over which actual drapes hang (also, fyi, there is already one perfectly good, real window in that restroom).
But, the most curious thing about this college campus and its crazy bathrooms is the plethora of unique, laminated signs that some unidentified individual has taken the time to print and paste to the inside of only some of the stalls.
Exhibit C:
.....and again....
Finally, the piece de resistance:
Obviously, several questions beg to be asked.
Who is responsible for these many postings? How much time must she spend searching Clip ART to find toilets with flowers bursting out of the bowl? A tree with toilet paper on its branches? And what traumatic, terrifying experience must this poor, haunted woman have had with an unflushed, or partially flushed, toilet?
(Someone mean-spirited who loiters in the dark recesses of my brain asks, "Ah, but Kendall, who walked around taking photos of bathrooms and then blogged about it??")
Aaaaand, that's what I've got for today.
And what is with the irony of a TREE asking you to flush when actually a REAL TREE would probably be all "Hey, don't flush unless you really really hafta, you know, so I don't die of thirst," or is that just my lived-in-Moscow-too-long/becoming-a-hippie talking?